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June 28, 2005
Blogroll maintenance
Last Friday was Dan Kennedy's last post over at Media Log, which has long been one of the more interesting reads around these parts. We will miss him.
And now for some housekeeping. The point of a blogroll is to provide links to sites that we, in our sole discretion, think offer interesting and up-to-date commentary on issues that we care about. Since Media Log and Romney Is A Fraud have officially signed off from blogging, I am removing them from the blogroll. Also, as I noted here, the MassDems blog seems to have become defunct - it's been over a month since the folks at the state party posted anything new over there. In the same category, alas, must be placed Noho-missives, who has gone strangely silent [UPDATE: see the comments].
Any and all of these worthy bloggers will immediately be restored to the blogroll upon their return to the blogosphere. But the clutter must be cleared. Long lists of links are like shelves at the video store: too many options makes it impossible to choose from among them.
Posted by David at 03:38 PM in Random | Permalink
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According to Michael Wilcox, the writer of Noho Missives got married recently. I imagine that's why he's cut back on posting of late.
Posted by: sco | Jun 28, 2005 3:55:18 PM
Congrats to Noho! Looking forward to his return.
Posted by: David | Jun 28, 2005 4:04:04 PM
The permanent URL for Blog for Boston is http://www.blogforboston.org/
which points to http://www.dfaboston.org/Mass/blog.asp instead of blog.html (as you have in the blogroll); I'm still in the process of setting up the backend as I post to the blog.
So http://www.blogforboston.org is the best link.
Posted by: Brad Johnson | Jun 28, 2005 5:24:42 PM
Funny, I was just thinking of the same thing, about cleaning up my blogroll, after reading Dan Kennedy's post...and glad to hear Noho Missives will likely be back (after the nuptuals and subsequent bliss of course). Conga-rats to them!
Has anyone heard from Cape Ann Dem? There was a lot of good writing there and I'd like to see more.
As for me, I posted a new original post tonight, was gonna post a second generic Tuesday City Council Blogging about the rest of the meeting but I did end up running out of steam. The majority of the meeting was rather boring (and it's even harder to hear what's being said when sitting in the echoing chamber) but I ended up with 9 pages of (handwritten *shudder*) notes anyway - even without the Julian Steele stuff, I wrote a lot down...
But that'll wait for tomorrow. I'm headed to bed!
Posted by: Lynne | Jun 28, 2005 11:18:19 PM
Funny, I was just thinking of the same thing, about cleaning up my blogroll, after reading Dan Kennedy's post...and glad to hear Noho Missives will likely be back (after the nuptuals and subsequent bliss of course). Conga-rats to them!
Has anyone heard from Cape Ann Dem? There was a lot of good writing there and I'd like to see more.
As for me, I posted a new original post tonight about the rally/city council meeting, was gonna post a second generic Tuesday City Council Blogging entry about the rest of the meeting but I did end up running out of steam. The majority of the meeting was not exciting (and it's even harder to hear what's being said when sitting in the echoing chamber) but I ended up with 9 pages of (handwritten *shudder*) notes anyway - even without the Julian Steele stuff, I wrote a lot down...
But that'll wait for tomorrow. I'm headed to bed!
Posted by: Lynne | Jun 28, 2005 11:20:23 PM
Oh, don't TELL me I double posted. Well, that was annoying...sorry! :)
Posted by: Lynne | Jun 28, 2005 11:21:11 PM
A sincere congrats to Noho Missives!
I have greatly appreciated our community of Massachusetts-based and oriented progressive blogs- I think it speaks to the growing vitality of grassroots engagement.
In my 3 month stint of blogging so far, its clear that this takes time and thought. I'm sure we will all have times of more and less writing, and will therefore be understanding of short silences by others. However, I agree that keeping lists of active bloggers is important to keep the community vital.
Posted by: Michael Dechiara | Jun 28, 2005 11:48:50 PM
Cape Ann Dem also just got married. He is on his honeymoon.
Posted by: Peter Dolan | Jun 29, 2005 5:55:48 AM
OK, what's with the rash of blogger weddings? ;)
Thanks for the heads up Peter!
Posted by: Lynne | Jun 29, 2005 8:34:22 AM
Good to know - thanks Peter. Cape Ann Dem was in the danger zone too! I'll give him a pass. And I'd like to echo what Michael said. (said..said...said....)
Posted by: David | Jun 29, 2005 9:12:11 AM
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