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July 22, 2005
Mitt Romney, meet your fellow one-termer George H.W. Bush
Both the Globe and the Herald are reporting Mitt Romney's howlingly funny PR disaster of trying to reassure T riders that public transit in Boston is still safe by taking the 14-second Red Line ride from Park Street to Downtown Crossing (yeah, I'm sure that really reassured the riders who spend 45 minutes on three different lines twice a day). First, asked by reporters how much a token costs, Romney got it wrong. He said it costs "a buck." Oops. That was your T board that raised it to $1.25, Guv. Informed of his error, Romney apparently flipped a quarter into the crowd, as if to say, "a buck, a buck and a quarter, who cares? The extra 25 cents really doesn't make any difference to a rich guy like me. I flush quarters down the toilet every day as a way to keep my mansion's plumbing running smoothly - it's like roughage for pipes."
Anyway, to add insult to injury, the crazy cat lady then started harassing Romney, screaming that he had killed her cats. And asked when the last time he had actually ridden the T was, he came up with this gem:
''Let's see it was, we did it with the Charlie card and then also the . . . it was with [Senate] President [Robert E.] Travaglini -- I'm trying to recall," he said, asking aloud, ''We were at a station, what was it . . . Ashmont station? Ashmont station, it was Ashmont station . . . It's not my regular commute."
"Not my regular commute." Kinda says it all.
The obvious historical reference here is George H.W. Bush's infamous gaffe at a supermarket where he expressed wonderment at the remarkable "scanner" technology. (Some say that story was overblown, but the legend does live on.) Romney has become so disengaged from Massachusetts that he's forgotten how much it costs to ride the T. If he lived in Northampton, that'd be one thing. But he lives in the Boston area, and he works up the hill from the Park Street T stop - and it's not like the fare hike flew below radar when it happened. It was a big deal. Governors are supposed to be aware of stuff like this. Maybe presidential candidates aren't.
Posted by David at 10:06 AM in Massachusetts | Permalink
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I do find this story eminently amusing. It's typical, I suppose, to make fun of rich guys trying to see what "average" folks' lives are like. But I expect that one would never catch Kennedy making such a stupid gaffe, and he's richer than god.
Posted by: Lynne | Jul 22, 2005 11:40:18 AM
Informed of his error, Romney apparently flipped a quarter into the crowd...
Gawd, what an asshole. Hilarious, though. Park Street to Downtown Crossing is the best part. LOL!
Posted by: worldcitizen | Jul 22, 2005 1:09:57 PM
Mitt Romney's T-ride:
Answering a question as to the cost of the T fare, "a buck" and when he finds out that his answer wrong he tells the public "here's a quarter" - well that sounds like when Romney gets an answer wrong he is willing to give up the Mass. Cash to the entire population (who regularily uses the T) a quarter towards their fare! Well where is the quarters Romney? Or is your answer just another empty promise? Is that the type of answer that a leader should be giving - immediately prostrating in an arrogant empty manner to his constituents "here [some money back]" what an effect on the Massachusetts budget! Well its clearly a pittance in the face of the scandelous Big Dig, and you know Romney New Englander's are accustomed to this type of fraud(Bulgers, FBI and rogue judges). Clearly Romney thinks that he can be just as opaque. If this type of attitude and intelligence is what makes a leader, god help us get through 2008 and if chooses to pursue the presidency, god help us and the governments budget! These ignorant, careless, empty promises a typical politician's response! Romney get a job, not the job of a leader, not the Gov.'s or the Commander in Chief.
Yes, Romney killed my cats! Romney is Respondent Superior/head of the Executive Branch - who oversees the actions of the Mass. Dept. of Agriculture who Ordered my beloved Persians to be euthanized, Romney was sent letter after leter, call after call, affidavits of Dr. Lund (feline Specialist and former President of the Rhode Is. Vet Ass.) that these Persians should not be euthanized they can be treated, affidavits of Dr. Fraser that my cats are not a public threat. They were fluffy loveable creatures who wanted to live!
Romney thinks that a persons love, and property is expendible and that life is not precious - on top of not knowing what it costs tax payers to ride a transit system he declares as safe, for the most part its the tax payers who are paying for it being safe and Romney doesnt even know what that contribution is - what a leader. I loved my Persians as if they were my children, and Romney arrogantly murdered them!
Even one of Romney's closest aids, his press secretary in a meeting on Oct. 2004 where I sat down with Eric and requested the Governor to halt the euthanasia of my beloved purebred Persians said "why should the Governor save your Persians over all the other cats in the shelter" boy did he loose consciousness, a total TIA, or he just didnt understand it demonstrative of the administration he works for, forgetting that I own my Persians, that those other cats, dogs etc in the shelters were abandoned, mine were taken from my arms with a fraudulently procured search warrant in that state were the Constitution was born, the Constitution (crafted by the founding fathers in Massachusetts) first and foremost emphasize that we are free and equal and that ones property is unalienable and cannot be taken. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are cherished principles.
Romney have you ever read the Constitution,
probably not, and it appears that those closest to you have not either, and if you think you have, or that they think in line with you (brown nosers), well, your being a politician and not truthful, empty and worse of all you just don't understand it.
Posted by: Heidi K. Erickson | Jul 27, 2005 10:11:27 AM
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