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August 23, 2005

Mass. Dems gettin' local

This interesting post on the state party's blog announces a "Victory '06" campaign, the goal of which is to have active precinct and block captains in each of Massachusetts' 2156 election precincts.  Good for the Mass. Dems to announce and start recruiting for this campaign now, rather than next August.  As one of the commenters on the post said, the Republicans figured this kind of thing out some time ago and consequently have won more elections of late.  If the Democrats can match the Republicans in organization - and that's a mighty big "if" - we can surely beat them on the issues.

Posted by David at 09:11 PM in Massachusetts | Permalink


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» 50 States, 2156 Precincts from Left In Lowell
I can sign on to this: from the MA Dems blog: Until now, our Party geared up only a few months before an election and then dismantled operations immediately after the polls closed. Consequently, it’s been 20 years since we last elected a Democratic... [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 23, 2005 9:36:58 PM


Thanks for the post! I'm heading up the field efforts for the Mass Victory '06 Campaign and I hope you will all learn more about it and sign up. WE NEED YOU! The 2156 Strategy is very ambitious and we need ALL Democrats and like-minded individuals to help make it a success.

The MDP is very dedicated to this Campaign. This strong state-wide grassroots network MUST happen and it WILL HAPPEN (and actually IS happening--we've been signing up local organizers and doing other campaign activities such as phone banking and canvassing all summer long!)

And don't let the name fool you--the Party is dedicated to a permanent, full-time field operation that lasts even far beyond the mid-term elections next year--and this is happening not just in Massachusetts but throughout the country.

Please commit to helping with the Mass Victory '06 Campaign--this is the KEY to success for Democrats in the Governor's race and all other races up and down the ticket!

Thanks for the post. We look forward to hearing from everyone--your comments, suggestions, and most importantly, your committment.



Posted by: Brent Welder, MDP Field Director | Aug 24, 2005 11:10:45 AM

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