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August 29, 2005

Money talks part II

... but does it knock-'n'-drag?

A fellow named Dave posted these links to the Medfordmass Yahoo group -- they may have shown up in the bazillion comments here, sorry if I missed them:

  • An article about campaign spending by the various candidates in the Winchester Star. Here's a tidbit from that:

"Casey spent $260.96 on cakes for the elderly and Mackey spent $152.65 on helium in hopes of lifting his campaign with balloons. Jehlen hoped to make a splash by dropping $75.72 into a soup party for her campaign."

There's a few one-liners in there somewhere...

  • Good old-fashioned spying on your neighbors from the Office of Campaign and Political Finance, with contributions and amounts for any candidate you want.

Posted by Charley on the MTA at 02:42 PM in Massachusetts | Permalink


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I was given that link recently as well, and promptly sent it off to some people I know who are researching the power structures of Lowell, and with whom I am meeting soon...

Data, in any form you can get your hands on, is very valuable. For more than just spying on your neighbors. ;)

Posted by: Lynne | Aug 29, 2005 3:30:54 PM

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