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August 13, 2005
Surveys Shows Romney Lags
A survey conducted 5-8 August in New Hampshire and Massachusetts of 600 likely Republican primary voters in each state found that McCain, Gingrich and Romney would pull 39%, 14% and 8% respectively in New Hampshire, and 46%, 4% and 22% in the Bay State. The survey was conducted by the Manchester consulting firm American Research Group, who may be owned by McCain's New England fund raising chair for all I know.
Telephone interviews of 1,200 registered Pennsylvania voters 29-31 July by the equally dubious sounding Strategic Vision polling firm found that among Republicans Guliani pulled 36%, McCain 24%, "Doctor of Death" Bill Frist 8%, and Willard just 5%.
Finally, the Lowell Sun reported that Romney is virtually unknown in the center of the country.
Tasty summer gossip.
Posted by Bob at 09:52 AM in Massachusetts | Permalink
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» The Romney Paradox from .08 Acres (and a Donkey)
Thanks to the Blue Mass Group for pointing out an interesting Lowell Sun Article on Mitt Romney. Apparently, despite Mitt's extensive out-of-state trips and national media exposure, no one in important battleground states like Florida or Ohio have ev... [Read More]
Tracked on Aug 13, 2005 3:32:46 PM
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