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October 13, 2005

New York Times to come clean... "Now"?

Holy smokes. Will the Wilson/Plame/Rove/Miller business take down the top brass of the New York Times too? Here's the NYT's "public editor" (ombudsman) Byron Calame in his weblog:

The lifting of the contempt order against Judith Miller of The New York Times in connection with the Valerie Wilson leak investigation leaves no reason for the paper to avoid providing a full explanation of the situation. Now.

So, assuming The Times publishes its explanation sometime in the next few days, I will be assessing it in my column on Sunday, Oct. 23. I will need time to do some reporting. A representative of Ms. Miller has indicated that she will talk to me at some point, and I would expect to have access to both Mr. Keller and Arthur Sulzberger Jr., the publisher, if necessary.

For a full rundown of the possibilities, see Arianna Huffington.

Posted by Charley on the MTA at 08:49 PM in National | Permalink


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