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November 29, 2005
A Teacher Runs in Foxborough
An important update in the 1st Bristol race from Cos. --David
There's a Democrat running in the 1st Bristol special election, but it's not Feeney. The Sun-Chronicle reported last week that "Claire Naughton, of 4 Everett Lane in Foxboro, took out papers Monday in the Foxboro town clerk's office to run for the Democratic nomination for the seat."
Since then, Naughton has hired staff and is setting up a campaign office. She's a retired teacher in Foxborough and apparently well known in the community. As I noted in a previous post, this traditionally Republican-held district has voting patterns that show it to be a swing district. It sounds like we have an exciting race to look forward to.
As of 2pm on Tuesday, the Foxborough Town Clerk's office reports they know of nobody else running aside from the Republican candidate, Ginny Coppola. With just a few hours to go until the filing deadline, it seems unlikely anyone new will jump in. That means we won't have contested primaries on either side, and the real action in this district is all for February 7th.
Posted by Cos at 03:23 PM in Massachusetts | Permalink
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For what it's worth, Naughton is an elected DSC member. She got 8804 votes in the 2004 primary, running unopposed.
Posted by: sco | Nov 29, 2005 4:07:40 PM
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